Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Crossing my fingers!!

OK, long time no talk...again.

Well, I've been busy. That's no excuse ( but I'm going to use it as one anyway).

Since I last left things have been developing quite nicely. It is my last semester of college and I couldn't be feeling better. My classes are proving satisfying. My only problem with this semester is I do not have an internship yet. I've been applying places and going to interviews but nothing yet. Well, that isn't entirely true. I have a callback interview for this Thursday. I'm really feeling strongly about this internship! For those of you who don't know, which will probably be everyone, since I haven't mentioned it, I am applying for internships in literary agencies and publishing companies. I'm not gonna name the literary agency, that I'm going to be interviewing with, but I will say, that it is beautiful and well known. There speculate if you will!

Since I am a senior I'm trying my hardest to get something, in the hopes that it will get me a job soon or maybe even before graduation.

There are just so many things going on right now, that I feel like I'm all over the place.

Well I just wanted to update you guys on my life. That's if any one is actually reading this, if not then I'm just typing to a bunch of books. Alright, I'm gonna try and write sooner. Also, I'm gonna try to come up with ways to make this blog a little more fun and interesting...

peace and love,
